Monday, December 17, 2007

Umm, why?

For some strange reason, every week, at least three or four people come to my blog as a result of Googling 'alan brough + gay' or variations thereof. Like, I understand why Google brings them to my blog (I'm gay, I blog about gay issues semi-regularly, and I've reviewed various comedy shows in my time that Alan's appeared in or written) but really: why do you people care so much about this particular comedian's sexuality that you're googling this subject so regularly? Is it just idle curiousity, or what?


caoin said...

Maybe someone told them he was gay but they just couldn’t believe it so they turned to that great authority of the age, Google.

Anonymous said...

The same happens to me over at my blog, except I get "Andy Muirhead" + "gay".

Admittedly, as a rather dashing young host of Collectors, I can see the fascination. Not sure about Alan Brough though.

Anonymous said...

I had to prove my judgemental father wrong in his belief you can always tell a gay man by their mannerisms.

Anonymous said...

the real question is, is he gay?